
Reception - Robins

Miss Nyree Cormack

Reception Teacher

Welcome to Robins Class!
In Robins there are three adults who work with the children. Miss Nyree Cormack is the class teacher and Mrs Claire Davies a nursery nurse. Mrs Spight also supports in Robins as 1:1 teaching assistants. Our Early Years Team firmly believes that children learn through ‘play’. Our aim is to provide children with a safe and stimulating environment that enables them to maximise their learning. In Robins children are allowed to make errors, decisions and choices. Based on these principles we help the children to become autonomous learners. We have the same 3 rules throughout the school which makes it easy for us to follow them. They are: Keep safe; Use your Values and Be the best that you can be. We learn about and practice these rules every day.

Our Daily Routine

In reception we plan our curriculum to consider the 7 areas of learning to achieve our Early Learning goals. In the morning’s Robin are welcomed into class and encouraged to do their morning jobs independently, children will then sit and complete their morning challenge. This may be writing their name, working on our harder to read and spell words and fine motor skill activities. We have Literacy, Maths and Phonics lessons every day and a P.E. lesson, which is on a Wednesday afternoon. The children enjoy coming to school in their PE kits and enjoy the lessons which work on a variety of skills over the year. In Literacy children learn about stories through fun and engaging activities, specifically chosen to ensure that the children are exposed to a wide range of characters and texts.  

Our continuous provision is called C.O.O.L time for our children. This stands for: choosing our own learning time! The children enjoy completing activities around the classroom which enhance their learning. We encourage Reception children to complete carefully chosen activities within different areas of the setting such as writing using their phonic knowledge and practicing their number skills. Through play, they are often learning, developing and embedding new skills without realising! 

There are many areas of the class which children are allowed to explore including a reading corner, home role-play corner, maths investigation area and writing station! The children also have access to the outside area which includes a climbing frame, mud kitchen, bikes and many other resources to help with our fine and gross motor skills. 

We believe in the power of a Growth mindset

In Robins we think differently. We believe that we can get better at something through practising and perseverance, so when we come across a challenge we become more determined to succeed and wanting to overcome knock-backs. As the Early Year Team we set high expectations for children and encourage them to be resilient and not give up. Children see a challenge as a sign of learning.
How we keep our bodies and mind fit and healthy

The P.E. sessions take place on Wednesdays. Children come to school in their P.E. kit on those days. All children are expected to wear t-shirt, black tracksuit and hooded jacket. They also wear comfortable trainers for the lessons. During P.E lessons children learn a range of different movements and also learn how to use various P.E. equipment e.g. balls, hoops, rackets, beanbags and cones. All the activities are fun base so that children can learn new skills through pleasure. Children are also allowed to use outdoor facilities such as climbing equipment, bikes, scooters and open field throughout their free choosing time. All these activities enable children to keep their bodies healthy.