
Year 4 - Barn Owls

Welcome to Barn Owls

Hello, we are Mrs Mossop & Mrs Parker and we are extremely excited to be the teachers of Barn Owls Class. We are lucky to have the wonderful Mrs Webster to support us in our learning too. In Year 4 we work hard, have fun and always try our best! Our aim is for the children to feel happy and confident when moving onto the next big step in their education.

We have the same 3 rules throughout the school which makes it easy for us to follow them. They are: “Keep safe, Use your Values and Be the best that you can be” We learn about and practice these rules every day.

Our Daily Routine

In Year 4 we take part in a variety of exciting lessons. Every day we have Maths and English, as well as daily reading, spellings and times table practice. Each morning we also take part in Whole class guided reading to learn and develop our English skills. Throughout the year we have fun learning other subjects such as: science, computing, music, art and DT lessons. In history, we learn all about the Ancient Egyptians and  study how the Ancient Greeks influenced the western world. In our geography lessons, we will study 3 in-depth units; Map Skills, Rivers and Mountains and The UK. We also enjoy our PE, French, RE and PSHE lessons. In Year 4 we have our playtime at 10:45-11:00 and our lunchtime at 12:00-13:00.

Key skills are important

Each day in Year 4 we practice our key skills for learning. These are reading, spellings and times tables. We have the opportunity to learn and practice these skills independently, in groups and through fun activities.
We believe in the power of a Growth mindset

At Shillington Lower School we use our ‘Growth mindsets’. In Year 4 we understand that we need to try our best and that it is okay to make mistakes. We always learn and improve and feel proud of our successes and achievements. 
Our Year Ahead

In Year 4 we work hard towards our Multiplication Test which is taken in the Summer Term. We enjoy the extra responsibilities that we get due to being the eldest in the school, such as being Sports Ambassadors. We also have exciting opportunities to look forward to including our Residential trip and end of year performance.
How we keep our bodies and mind fit and healthy

In Year 4 we learn the importance of keeping our bodies and mind fit and healthy. Each week we have two PE lessons, in which we come to school in our PE kits. Every day after lunchtime we have mindfulness – a time to take part in different activities that calm and relax us.




As part of getting the children ready for their transition to middle school we set them weekly homework to complete. These are set on the following days and expected to be returned the following week:


Spellings- Every Monday (SpellingShed)

English- Every Tuesday

Maths- Every Friday


Children also have log in details for SpellingShed and Times Table Rockstars where they can practise their spellings and times tables as frequently as they like.